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Jimmi Carr is a singer/songwriter from the Blue Mountains in New South Wales. He has released 7 albums under his own name, including the new album “Flight Cycle”, and 2 releases with his electronic/rock cross over project, Innamech. Jimmi’s music moves through Folk, Blues, Alt-Country, Funk and Rock.
The new album, Flight Cycle is out now! Head to the ‘Listen’ page to check it out.

A video has just been released for the latest single ‘Shadowman in the Light’ Check it out below!
You can buy the new album on vinyl and CD here https://jimmicarr.mywaterfrontstore.com
The Ones That Got Away is out now (2021). It’s been receiving a bunch of airplay and some great reviews –
“Clever songs, quirky arrangements, Carr’s genius is to is to meld diverse elements into something quite unique.” – Rhythms Magazine

The latest news is that Tom Pilgrim, our much loved bass player has parted ways with the band to focus on University. Thanks for the time we had with you Tom! It’s been a blast.
Greg Charlton will be joining the band on bass. Greg is a veteran of the Blue Mountains music scene, having grown up with Jimmi and played in many bands who’ve shared stages with JCB.
Another way to support us is to donate to our Patreon account to help keep us afloat and making music during this difficult time. Everyone who becomes a patron gets instant access to a free, high quality download of our new album. There will also be ongoing exclusive give aways to patrons.
If you would like to make a one off donation rather than becoming a patron you can do that directly through PayPal here
Introducing the Jimmi Carr Band

JCB features Jimmi on vocals and guitars, Casey Hedge on drums and now featuring Greg Charlton on Bass.
Recent single “Free Right Now” was played on Triple J’s Roots ‘n’ All program in its first week of release, with presenter NkechiAnele reviewing the song on Triple J’s Unearthed website. She wrote –
“[Free Right Now] brought a real smile to my face and made my morning as I put this on repeat. The way this song saunters along is fantastic. Rhythmically so exciting and fun the whole thing comes together so masterfully. Bravo!” – 4 and a half stars.
This follows a consistent theme of high praise for Jimmi’s work from the music press. Here are some more examples –
“Jimmi Carr is the real deal. He plays hard, sings with intensity and writes with passion. Give him a listen, you’ll wonder why it’s taken you so long.” – Stuart Coupe (FBI and 2SER Radio)
“It’s comforting to know that there are still some artists taking their craft from the front porch to the studio with such passion and sincerity” – Beat magazine